Monday, August 6, 2007

The NY Times publishes PETA

My letter to the editor to the NY Times for the Klinkenborg editorial went unpublished, but not PETA's which was published on August 4th.

"We’ve been educating, helping and begging people to spay and neuter their animals for years, but three million to four million cats and dogs still die in shelters every year because of simple math: too many animals, not enough worthy adoptive homes.

This crisis calls for mandatory spay and neuter legislation. Given the current dire shortage of homes, no breeding is responsible. Every time someone buys a puppy or kitten from a breeder, a shelter animal loses its chance at a home and pays with its life.

Breeders kill shelter animals’ chances to find good homes. It is time to practice your A B C’s (Animal Birth Control)! Animals aren’t possessions to use, abuse and throw away when we tire of them.

If people won’t be responsible for their animals on their own, it’s time to make carelessness criminal.

Daphna Nachminovitch
Norfolk, Va., July 31, 2007
The writer is the director of Domestic Animals and Wildlife Rescue & Information for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals."

PETA has no desire to limit breeding, they want to eliminate it. They don't want to consider alternatives to mandatory legislation, alternatives that could work, because that would mean people would still breed some animals. No, they want all breeding stopped. At least now we have their point of view in print.

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